Fable.Form.Simple.Fields.Html provides a set of common HTML fields that can be used by libraries targetting the browser.

Thanks to it, libraries like Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma and Fable.Form.Simple.Sutil.Bulma can focus on the layout and styling of the fields.

Available Fields

Field Structure

All the fields are following the same definition pattern and can be used in the same way.

  • Create a module with name of the field.

    module ColorField =
  • Define the Attributes type which contains all the information that can be used to customize the field, and implement the Field.IAttributes interface.

        type Attributes =
                FieldId: string
                /// <summary>
                /// Label to display
                /// </summary>
                Label: string
                /// <summary>
                /// List of predefined colors to display
                /// </summary>
                Suggestions: string list option
            interface Field.IAttributes with
                member this.GetFieldId() = this.FieldId
  • Create a specialized version of the Field.Field type where we specify the Attributes type and the type used to represent the field value in the View layer.


    • ColorField use string to represent the color value
    • SelectField use OptionItem option to represent the selected item (None if nothing is selected)
    type InnerField<'Values> = Field.Field<Attributes, string, 'Values>
  • A form function where we specify how to detect if the field isEmpty.

    let form<'Values, 'Field, 'Output>
            : ((InnerField<'Values> -> 'Field)
                  -> Base.FieldConfig<Attributes, string, 'Values, 'Output>
                  -> Base.Form<'Values, 'Output, 'Field>) =
            Base.field System.String.IsNullOrEmpty
  • A Pipeline builder API making it easier to create an Attributes instance.

    This is helpful, when your Attributes type has a lot of fields, instead of having to specify all of them, you can use the builder API to specify only the fields you need.

    type ColorField =
        static member create(fieldId: string) : ColorField.Attributes =
                FieldId = fieldId
                Label = ""
                Suggestions = None
        static member withLabel (label: string) (attributes: ColorField.Attributes) =
            { attributes with
                Label = label
        static member withSuggestions (suggestions: string list) (attributes: ColorField.Attributes) =
            { attributes with
                Suggestions = Some suggestions