In this section, we are going to focus on the easiest way to use Fable.Form.

We are going to create a login form similar to this one

We are assuming that you already have an Elmish application set up with Bulma

If needed, you can use Fulma minimal template as a starting point

Later, it will be explained how you can customise the view to fit your application style.

  • Add Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma to your project

    # .NET CLI
    dotnet add yourProject.fsproj package Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma
    # Paket CLI
    paket add Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma
  • Open the library modules

    open Fable.Form.Simple
    open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma
  • Define a type Values which is used to represents the different fields we have in the form.

    type Values =
            Email : string
            Password : string
            RememberMe : bool
  • Create your model
    type Model =

    To keep our example simple, we use a type alias but in a real application you will generaly host it inside a discriminated union or a record

  • Register 2 messages:

    type Msg =
        // Used when a change occure in the form
        | FormChanged of Model
        // Used when the user submit the form
        | LogIn of string * string * bool
  • Initialize your Model, we set the default value of each fields. Then pass the values to the function Form.View.idle which will returns a Form.View.Model

    let init () =
            Email = ""
            Password = ""
            RememberMe = false
        |> Form.View.idle
        , Cmd.none
  • Write the logic of the update function.

    let update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) =
        match msg with
        // We received a new form model, store it
        | FormChanged newModel ->
            , Cmd.none
        // The form has been submitted
        // Here, we have access to the value submitted from the from
        | LogIn (_email, _password, _rememberMe) ->
            // For this example, we just set a message in the Form view
            { model with
                State = Form.View.Success "You have been logged in successfully"
            , Cmd.none
  • Create the form logic:

    1. First create each field
    2. Create an onSubmit function which maps the result of the form into a Msg
    3. Tie the fields and the onSubmit function together
    let form : Form.Form<Values, Msg, _> =
        let emailField =
                    Parser =
                        fun value ->
                            if value.Contains("@") then
                                Ok value
                                Error "The e-mail address must contain a '@' symbol"
                    Value =
                        fun values -> values.Email
                    Update =
                        fun newValue values ->
                            { values with Email = newValue }
                    Error =
                        fun _ -> None
                    Attributes =
                            Label = "Email"
                            Placeholder = ""
                            HtmlAttributes = [ ]
        let passwordField =
                    Parser = Ok
                    Value =
                        fun values -> values.Password
                    Update =
                        fun newValue values ->
                            { values with Password = newValue }
                    Error =
                        fun _ -> None
                    Attributes =
                            Label = "Password"
                            Placeholder = "Your password"
                            HtmlAttributes = [ ]
        let rememberMe =
                    Parser = Ok
                    Value =
                        fun values -> values.RememberMe
                    Update =
                        fun newValue values ->
                            { values with RememberMe = newValue }
                    Error =
                        fun _ -> None
                    Attributes =
                            Text = "Remember me"
        let onSubmit =
            fun email password rememberMe ->
                LogIn (email, password, rememberMe)
        Form.succeed onSubmit
            |> Form.append emailField
            |> Form.append passwordField
            |> Form.append rememberMe
  • Call Form.View.asHtml in the view function to render the form

    let view (model : Model) (dispatch : Dispatch<Msg>) =
                Dispatch = dispatch
                OnChange = FormChanged
                Action = Form.View.Action.SubmitOnly "Sign in"
                Validation = Form.View.ValidateOnSubmit

Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰, you now know how to use Fable.Form in your application.

You can now play more with it to make you use to it.

In the next section, you will learn how to customize Fable.Form to your needs.