Fable.Form.Simple allows you to adapt the view code to make your form match your application looks.

If you are using Bulma in your application you should use Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma.

However, if you need to customize the view code, you should start from this file structure:

// Have the name of your implementation as a suffix of Fable.Form.Simple
namespace Fable.Form.Simple.MyImplementation

// Force the user to use qualified access from here
// This ensure the API usage from the consumer code
module Form =

    module View =

        // Uncomment the line corresponding to your preferred DOM library
        // open Feliz
        // open Fable.React

        // Open the different modules we need to have access to
        open Fable.Form
        open Fable.Form.Simple
        open Fable.Form.Simple.Form.View

        // Contract that we need to implement to support
        // all the feature offered by Fable.Simple.Form
        let htmlViewConfig<'Msg> : CustomConfig<'Msg, 'Attributes> = 
            // 'Attributes needs to be replaced by the actual type that your
            // library use to represent HTML attributes.
            // For exampe, when using Feliz, you should replace it with IReactProperty
                Form = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                TextField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                PasswordField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                EmailField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                TextAreaField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                ColorField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                DateField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                DateTimeLocalField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                NumberField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                SearchField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                TelField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                TimeField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                CheckboxField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                RadioField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                SelectField = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                Group = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                Section = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                FormList = failwith "Not implemented yet"
                FormListItem = failwith "Not implemented yet"

        // Function which will be called by the consumer to render the form
        let asHtml (config : ViewConfig<'Values, 'Msg>) =
            custom htmlViewConfig config

You can take a look at Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma implementation. It is done in less than 500 lines of code.