It can happen that a field has the right logic for you, but you are using a different CSS framework.

In this case, you can customize the view of the field to match your CSS framework without having to rewrite all the code.

Step by step guide

For example, it allows you to re-use the Attributes, and its pipeline builder API, etc.

In this example, we are going to customize the view of a text field.

  • Create a new file named TextField.fs.

  • Create the namespace for hosting your custom field and open the required modules

    namespace MyForm.Fields
    open Fable.Form
    open Feliz
    open Fable.Form.Simple
    open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma
    open Fable.Form.Simple.Fields.Html
    open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma.Fields
    module TextField =
  • Create a new class which inherits from TextField.Field<'Values>, and override the RenderField method.

    The example below is truncated for brevity.

    Make you sure you handle all the properties of the config parameter in your implementation.

        type Field<'Values>(innerField: TextField.InnerField<'Values>) =
            inherit TextField.Field<'Values>(innerField)
            override _.RenderField(config: StandardRenderFieldConfig<string, TextField.Attributes>) =
                Html.div [
                    Html.p config.Attributes.Label
                    Html.input [
                        prop.onChange config.OnChange
                        // Handle the different properties
                        prop.disabled config.Disabled
                        prop.readOnly config.IsReadOnly
                        prop.value config.Value
                    match config.Error with
                    | Some(Error.External externalError) -> Html.p externalError
                    | _ ->
                        if config.ShowError then
                            |> Form.View.errorToString
                            |> Option.defaultValue ""
                            |> Html.p
  • In another field named Form.fs, create the field which will be used by the user to create an instance of the custom field.

    namespace MyForm
    open Fable.Form
    open MyForm.Fields
    open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma
    open Fable.Form.Simple.Fields.Html
    open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma.Fields
    module Form =
        let textField
            (config: Base.FieldConfig<TextField.Attributes, string, 'Values, 'Output>)
            : Form<'Values, 'Output>
            TextField.form (fun field -> TextField.Field field) config

    Using the same name as the original field allows you to shadow the original field.

    So if you open your namespace after Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma, you will use your custom field instead of the original one and don't have to change anything in your code.