React only
This section will show you how to use Fable.Form
with Elmish.
Open the library modules
open Feliz open Fable.Form.Simple open Fable.Form.Simple.Bulma open Fable.Form.Simple.Fields.Html
Define a type
which is used to represents the different fields we have in the form.type Values = { Email: string Password: string RememberMe: bool }
Create the form logic:
- First create each field
- Create an
function which maps the result of the form into aMsg
- Tie the fields and the
function together
let form: Form<Values, _> = let emailField = Form.textField { Parser = fun value -> if value.Contains("@") then Ok value else Error "The e-mail address must contain a '@' symbol" Value = fun values -> values.Email Update = fun newValue values -> { values with Email = newValue } Error = fun _ -> None Attributes = TextField.create "email" |> TextField.withLabel "Email" |> TextField.withPlaceholder "" |> TextField.withAutoFocus } let passwordField = Form.passwordField { Parser = Ok Value = fun values -> values.Password Update = fun newValue values -> { values with Password = newValue } Error = fun _ -> None Attributes = PasswordField.create "password" |> PasswordField.withLabel "Password" } let rememberMe = Form.checkboxField { Parser = Ok Value = fun values -> values.RememberMe Update = fun newValue values -> { values with RememberMe = newValue } Error = fun _ -> None Attributes = CheckboxField.create "remember-me" |> CheckboxField.withText "Remember me" } let onSubmit = fun email password rememberMe -> // In a real application, you would prefer to use a record type instead of a tuple (email, password, rememberMe) Form.succeed onSubmit |> Form.append emailField |> Form.append passwordField |> Form.append rememberMe
Create the component hosting the form.
[<ReactComponent>] let View () =
Initialize your
, we set the default value of each fields. Then pass the values to the functionForm.View.idle
which will returns aForm.View.Model
let formState, setFormState = { Email = "" Password = "" RememberMe = false } |> Form.View.idle |> React.useState
Create a
function which will be called when the form is submitted.let onSubmit = fun (formResult: string * string * bool) -> { formState with State = Form.View.Success "You have been logged in successfully" } |> setFormState
to render the formForm.View.asHtml { OnChange = setFormState OnSubmit = onSubmit Action = Form.View.Action.SubmitOnly "Sign in" Validation = Form.View.ValidateOnSubmit } form formState
Congratulations ๐, you now know how to use Fable.Form
in your application with React.