Your text goes here
By default, all the code blocks have a "Copy" button associated to them.
If needed, you can prevent the "Copy" button from being added by adding the attributes data-disable-copy-button="true"
to any parent containing the code blocks.
<div data-disable-copy-button="true">
This code will not have the copy button
This code will not have the copy button
This code have the copy button
Block container allows you to easily colored message blocks, to emphasize part of your page.
To create a block container, you need to wrap your text with 3 colons, specify a type.
Your text goes here
You can also optionally specify a title
:::<type>{title="My title"}
Your text goes here
Available types are:
Your text goes here
Please read this notice
Please read this notice
Something went wrong
Everything looks good
Textual steps makes it easy to create a step by step guides. It will auto-generate the number of the steps for you.
To create a textual steps, you need to wrap your text withing a <ul class="textual-steps></ul>
and put each step inside a <li>...</li>
<ul class="textual-steps">
This is step one
This is step two.
And as you can see **Markdown** syntax can be used inside textual-steps.
This is step one
This is step two.
And as you can see Markdown syntax can be used inside textual-steps.