The file nacara.config.json defines your site's metadata, navbar and other general configuration. This file is located at the root of your Nacara site.

Initial set up

If you used npm init nacara to create your site, there should already be a basic configuration file.

It not here is a minimal configuration file:

    "url": "",
    "baseUrl": "/Nacara/",
    "editUrl" : "",
    "title": "Nacara",
    "serverPort": 8081,
    "navbar": {
        "start": [
                "section": "documentation",
                "url": "/Nacara/documentation/index.html",
                "label": "Documentation",
                "pinned": true
        "end": [
                "url": "",
                "icon": "fab fa-github",
                "label": "GitHub"
    "layouts": [

Configuration options

Here is a list of the main category of options you can set within your nacara.config.json file:

  1. siteMetadata (object)
  2. navbar (object)
  3. remarkPlugins (array)
  4. rehypePlugins (array)
  5. layouts (array)
  6. serverPort (int)
  7. source (string)
  8. output (string)


The siteMetadata contains common configuration data related to your site, for example: your site title, favIcon, etc.

titleXTitle of your website

URL for your website. This is the domain part of your URL.

For example, is the URL of

baseUrlXBase URL for your site. This is the path after the domain.

For example, /Nacara/ is the baseUrl of

For URLs that have no path, the baseUrl should be set to /.

favIconPath to your site favIcon

If this field is omitted, no favIcon tag will be added to your website and the browser will use it's default behavior.

editUrlURL for editing your documentation.

Example: editUrl + 'docs/'. If this field is omitted, there will be no "Edit" button generated.


    "siteMetadata": {
        "title": "Nacara",
        "url": "",
        "baseUrl": "/Nacara/",
        "editUrl" : "",
        "favIcon" : "/static/favIcon.ico"

All configuration related to the navbar goes here.

The navbar is split in 2 sections:

  • start: the left part of the navbar which appears next to your site title and can contains textual links or dropdowns
  • end: the right part of the navbar which appears at the end of it


The start of the navbar consist of a list of objects of 2 types:

  • LabelLink: Render a link consisting in just a label
  • Dropdown: Render a dropdown, where you place a list of link


Section of the website associated to this navbar item

The default layout will highlight the navbar item if the visited page is inside of the associated section

labelXText to display
urlXURL to redirect to
pinnedIf true, the link will be displayed on mobile display too

Default: false


    "navbar": {
    "start": [
            "section": "documentation",
            "url": "/Nacara/documentation/index.html",
            "label": "Docs",
            "pinned": true
            "section": "showcase",
            "url": "/Nacara/showcase/index.html",
            "label": "Showcase"

labelXText to display
itemsXList of items displayed in the dropdown

It can be a string of value divider or an object of type DropdownLink

partialPartial path to used for rendering the dropdown content.

The partial property take precedence over the items property but you still need to fill the items.

This is required for 2 reasons:

  1. Make Nacara understand your dropdown content and be able to generate the correct navigation element
  2. If the dropdown is not pinned, the items elements will be used to render the mobile menu
fullwidthIf true, the dropdown will also take the full width of the screen

Default: false

pinnedIf true, the link will be displayed on mobile display too

Default: false

labelXText to display
urlXURL to redirect to
DescriptionOptional description
sectionSection of the website associated to this navbar item


    "navbar": {
        "start": [
                "pinned": true,
                "label": "Docs",
                "items": [
                        "section": "nacara",
                        "label": "Nacara",
                        "description": "Description line1\nline2 start here",
                        "url": "/Nacara/documentation/introduction.html"
                        "label": "Nacara.Layout.Standard",
                        "url": "/Nacara/documentation/layout/introduction.html"


List of IconLink


Label of the link to display

The default layout use it when on mobile screen

iconXFontAwesome class icons part of the free pack

Example: fab fa-twitter

The default layout use it on tablet and desktop screen

urlXURL to link to


    "navbar": {
        "end": [
                "url": "",
                "icon": "fab fa-github",
                "label": "GitHub"
                "url": "",
                "icon": "fab fa-twitter",
                "label": "Twitter"


This is where you configure the list of remark plugins to load.
resolveXName of the NPM package to load

If set, Nacara will load your plugin using pluginName.default[propertyName]

Note: The only plugin I found requiring the use of this feature is gatsby-remark-vscode

    "resolve": "gatsby-remark-vscode",
    "property": "remarkPlugin",
optionsOptions to pass to the plugin


    "remarkPlugins": [
            "resolve": "gatsby-remark-vscode",
            "property": "remarkPlugin",
            "options": {
                "theme": "Atom One Light",
                "extensions": [
            "resolve": "remark-directive"


This is where you configure the list of rehype plugins to load.
resolveXName of the NPM package to load

If set, Nacara will load your plugin using pluginName.default[propertyName]

Note: I don't think any rehype plugin needs this feature, but I added it to be on par with remarkPlugins feature.

optionsOptions to pass to the plugin


    "rehypePlugins": [
            "resolve": "rehype-slug",


This is where you register the different layouts supported by your website.

It consists on a list of string which can be:

  • The name of an npm package

    You need to have it installed in your project

  • A relative path to a .js or .jsx file.

    Learn more about custom layout here


    "layouts": [



Configure on which port Nacara should start the watch server.

Default is 8080.


    "serverPort": 8000



Configure where the source folder is.

Default is docs


    "source": "docsrc"



Configure where Nacara will put the generated files.

Default is docs_deploy


    "output": "public"